Finally: Meeting Andree

Now, this was exciting!

After lots of mails and long phone-calls we managed to meet.
Andree had planned to visit his friend Holger who now lives at Frankfurt. I suggested to do so on the annual Skyscraper-Festival in May because weather would then be fine for sure.

Holger even managed to get tickets! He's the only one I know who had such luck this year.
Weather could not have been better: clear, deep-blue sky, bright sunshine and all of us in high spirits.

We spent a nice afternoon together, hanging out on the grass at Opernplatz.

See the proof-pix Peter took:

Andree enjoys the day
Andree enjoys the sunny day
yours truly
yours truly taking
pictures of the guys...
Andree & Holger
... as they are
lazin' on the grass:
Andree & Holger
so what?
what the hell shall we do now???
Andree taking

My, this is HIGH!
damn blue eyes...